Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Beaches

We have only been to two beaches out here. Sunset and Huntington. The beaches out here are not the same as the gulf coast beaches. Well even without the oil they are different. We have the actual oil rigs that you can see from the beach. I think it is pretty cool. The beaches here require you to go early and come home early. By 3pm the wind picks up on the beach and the temp drops. So after 5pm, jeans and a jacket are the perfect beach attire.
5 Cool Things About our Beach
1. The water is a lot colder, although I am told it will get warmer. We will see if that is true. Still only made it into the water up to my ankles.
2.The waves are beautiful. The waves are peaceful and lots of fun to watch.
3.The people watching is SO much fun. I know that everyone should wear age/body appropriate clothing to the beach but for the people who don't. I enjoy watching them try to fit in with the crowds and still keep their really little bathing suit in place. If I would rather watch people on the beach then read.....you are pretty entertaining.
4. Lifeguards ~ I have always visited the private beaches so watching the lifeguards go in and out and in and out is a lot of fun. It is so like Baywatch.....awe...the memories. Anyway, yesterday we were watching the little junior guards do all their running and excersises on the beach.
5. It is FREE! I am all about free things to do right now. It is free to co sit on the beach and watch my kids play in the ocean, build sandcastles and ride the waves.

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