Saturday, July 27, 2013

Goodreads App

I found this new (to me) app for book readers. The app works great on my kindle and android phone. On the app I can search for books and authors, research other reader reviews, get in group book discussions, and learn about free and discounted e-books. There is a feature that lets you compare prices on a specific book you are looking for. I have gone thru and rated a bunch of books and that has added new books to my recommendations list. My favorite feature lets you make the books you want to read, even pre-order ones. This is a big help when I'm looking for something new to read from my list.

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Plants for the Patio

Every year or so I get the green thumb to grow some plants for more that a couple of weeks. I usually fail because there is not enough sun (the case in the trailer), I forget to water them, (the case 2 years ago). So this year right after Mother's day I got a couple of succulent plants in 3 pots from a girl at work. After keeping them alive for a few weeks I decided to transplant them into more pots.

The 2 plants on the far left are the start of my replanting project. It took me a few hours but I had so much fun. 

Here is the one plant I put in a 10in pot all by itself. Its a type of succulent that looks like an aloe plant.

Here are all the plants from the first replant. 

3 Weeks ago I got a few more plants. This time I went with a tomato, basil, jalapeno, cilantro, and gerber daisies to add to the patio collection. 

The pot in the back, we had to tie up with string and a pole because it is getting too tall and starting to lean. 

These are all the ones I have kept alive for over 3 months and counting

This is my jalapeno and basil plants. 

More plants. I have about 20 I'm trying to keep alive.

The start of my first harvests, they are even bigger now but not quite ready to eat yet. My mom mailed me a couple of clippings this week so we will see if they will stay alive as well.