Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Good Pair of Jeans!

Every Person should have a good pair of jeans. 
I have quite a few "good" pairs of jeans. Since turning 18, I have fallen in love with jeans (pants in general). I defiantly own more pants and jeans than any other type of clothing.....well not shoes. Growing up in a house where, wearing pants was not allowed , may have sent me closer to the "dark side" but I am not laying blame. I was given my first pair of jeans when I graduated high school by my friend Michelle. I still have those same jeans and they are in my "bum jeans" collection. Yes, I have collections of jeans. I have my pairs of "fat" jeans for the extra baggy days where I just want to be a relaxed and hang loose. Then we have the skinny jeans, low rider jeans, my bum collection, the extra nice jeans for church and dressier occasions, and lastly the jeans Nate does not let me wear out of the house because they have way to many holes. 

There is something great about slipping your legs into a great pair of jeans. 

I do own a couple of dresses and a few skirts for those special occasions where they are required. I am not knocking wearing dresses or skirts. They are nice and some people love to wear them. Some for comfort, some for feminine looks, some for coolness on a hot day, they just are not my style. I can admire and appreciate a beautiful dress, but when the thought of actually putting the dress on comes to mind, I get chills and sick to my stomach. My Mom should be very pleased that I wore a wedding "dress" on my wedding day. 

If I have put on a dress for your special occasion, know that is was with great Love and sacrifice that I stepped out of my comfort zone for you! 

Whether you are a jeans or dress kinda girl, every Lady needs a good pair of jeans! 

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