Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nephews are Awesome!

A few weeks ago I got to take a trip back to Alabama. I got to visit with all my family and some friends. It was a fun-filled week. My biggest joy of the week was spending time will my 4 nephews.

Lucas (3 1/2) spend 2 nights at my MIL's house with me. I took him to the mall where he was able to build a lego block to go in a giant Buzz Lightyear, took him to dinner (which he slept thru), and played games together. Since he spent the night at Nate's moms then he got to feed the fish, which was Joel's job in the mornings.
Building a lego box

watching Scooby-Doo on my bed

Love you!

Eating Chips and Dip
Love the water at the zoo

Alex (3) and Davey (1 1/2) stayed at my mom's house for the week. We played and laughed, went to the zoo with Lucas, Daniel and Leigh. I shared my orange slices with Davey, and watched Scooby-Doo with Alex. 
Getting into stuff
Zoo Rides

Roll Tide!

Bryce (9 months) spend the weekend with us at his grandma's house. We laughed, tried to walk a couple of times, chewed on drawer knobs, played patty-cake, fell asleep in my arms, and went to church together. 

So thankful for the fun week with my family and especially my 4 nephews. Aunt Val loves you very much! 

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