Monday, April 11, 2011

Cori's Birthday ~ Part 2

Cori's best friend Chloe, was not able to be here the weekend of Cori's birthday so we planned something for this past weekend. Cori wanted to go to the skating rink. So I took off work, and Chloe spend Saturday night with us. The girls played, went to the park and did squeakily little girl stuff until it was time to go skating. When we got to the rink, I pulled out my roller blades and the strap- broke. So there was no skating for me. After paying and going inside, we found out that this rink did not offer roller blades, only roller skates. Cori does not know how to roller skate and did not want to take her birthday evening to learn. So we got a refund and went to find something else to do. We ended up at the mall for an hour and then getting some mexican food.


After getting home, the kids went swimming in the hot tub and pool. The weather was 53 degrees, the hot tub was 102 degrees and the pool was 55 degrees.  I was wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of tea while the kids spent an hour having fun in the water.

Next came the scary part of the night. The girls wanted to watch the movie "Scream". Joel wanted to be a part of the movie too. So the girls piled up on my bed with Joel on the floor. Joel made it 20 mins into the movie before going to his room to watch "Kung Fu Panda".

Then the girls stayed up till 4am. I made breakfast the next morning and the girls played for a while. I took Chloe home around lunch. Both girls were very appreciative of their night together and thankfully for me there was NO DRAMA!

Hard to believe is is 12!

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